[New MINDSET] One really doesn't need any drugs or vaccines for a healthy, happy and, above all, meaningful life.
After a while, my article on the My Journey® blog came to my view again. It is as true and open as I would write it today.
Read it and soak up the energy of his message.
It's nice to realize that nothing has actually changed in my thinking over the more than one coronav1rus-packed year.
It's like I wrote it today.
Only we humans are somehow more divided.
For pro-mask and and anti-mask ones, for those pro-vax1ers and anti-vax1ers.
We have all somehow forgotten that our main goal is to be truly free, to be together, to embrace, to help each other, and to enjoy our common Being.
The Hydra of Fear, Anxiety, Bowing, and Conformism divided us, and we didn't even notice. They locked us in our homes, marked them with so-called protective equipment, and we still applaud them for taking perfect care of us.
And that's what "them" is all about.
To make people obedient and rightly frightened sheep, forgetting that they are first and foremost free, thinking and original Beings.
I've been thinking a lot about how far this nonsensical Cov1d hysteria madhouse can go.
And he decided I just wouldn't attend.
I don't wear face masks at all, I don't test myself and I don't even get any so-called (un) proven vaccine.
Will I not be able to go to theaters and cinemas without the so-called Cov1d passport?
Never mind, I'd rather go for a walk in nature.
Won't I be able to go to some of Cov1d's VIP restaurants?
It doesn't matter, we prefer to sit at home with friends and discuss the sorrows and joys of our daily lives.
Will I not be able to go on a so-called holiday?
It doesn't matter, I couldn't travel anywhere under communism during the 23rd year, and we still have so many beautiful places in our country that I won't even have time to visit it all by the end of my life. Maybe I'll just miss the sea a bit.
No, this madhouse doesn't belong in my life. Therefore, I am happy to repeat the short title of this article on my Blog My Way® (from 11.7.2020) and the fact that Man does not really need any drugs or vaccines for a healthy, happy and, above all, meaningful life.
The decision is up to all of us.
Are we sacrificing our Soul and inner freedom in exchange for a so-called vaccine and some magic app with a barcode or a piece of paper that will let us in like a properly organized herd somewhere where my fellow citizens can't?
No thank you, I'm not riding in this selfish, matter-based "I am - semism".
I really remain only myself, the true and pure essence of our Being. Our Soul and its connection to this world, my heart that beats inseparably for us all.
Strong mind and deep common sense wishes
I wish you a pleasant reading without any interference
Pavel | Holistic Cancer Survivor
[Note: This article is published orriginally on My Journey® (as well as published on my business site DEFEND GROUP® this week, which is the website of my original as well as current "business". For those of you who are interested in what I enjoy outside the Mission My Journey®, which is helping health seekers from all over the world with the diagnosis CANCER]