Is the Cov1d-19 vaccine the greatest IQ test of humanity in the 21st century?
Perhaps the most society dividing the dilemma of the last few months and which way to go?
Perhaps no discussion between acquaintances, friends, colleagues at work, but also family members can do without a discussion on this thorny topic.
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?
To exchange the "security of protection" against the so-called Cov1d-19 disease and the possibility of traveling for the inner, unconfirmed feeling in our hearts that many of us say "wait for it to show up"?
To be part of the mainstream, in many ways and for many people a logical solution, which is unusually massively supported vaccination? (I'm not intentionally talking about vaccination, which, according to the definition of vaccination, is certainly not).
Or just wait a while and get more information, for example about side effects that people with problems and disabilities do not want to (mostly) talk about?
These are some of the fundamental (I would say deadly) important issues that are on the minds of millions of people in these days around the world.
[Author's note] Before this my article, I would like to point out that everything described in it is solely my personal opinion and should not be a guide to anyone. At the same time, it should not be distorted in any way, as has happened to me several times in response to my contributions. Whether these reactions concerned my Spontaneous recovery from Cancer or just my healthy lifestyle or insight into the current situation.
Many of you know that I have gone through a lot of steep climbs in my life, but also unpredictable falls.
The stop sign in my self-destructive race was just beeing exposed to the Cancer diagnosis in mid-2016.
After many unexplained Out-of-the-body-experiences (so-called OBE), it "finally came on".
I experienced a Spontaneous recovery from Cancer.
No drugs and no doctors.
Healing from a recurring disease in its terminal phase, in which sweat drips from the forehead usually only when the present is thought of.
Since then, my life has literally turned upside down.
I started living healthy, eating healthy and I started running a lot.
And I drastically reconsidered my working life.
I haven't been to a doctor since I told the College of Top Oncologists (end of 2017) that I would recover alone.
I don't eat any chemical compounds that most of us call drugs.
So probably my opinion on the "special" question in the title of this article will not surprise anyone.
Maybe someone is struck by its context, meaning or ambiguity?
No, don't look for anything there.
I really think that deciding yes or no is perhaps the biggest "IQ-test" of our population in the 21st century.
Choose correctly between a quick solution (no one minds being untested and approved "in testing and emergency mode") or rely on your 6th sense to accentuate our primordial nature and its main protection of our Being in this earthly life.
And that is our immune system.
Yes, the strongest and most loyal protector who can cope with even more serious diseases than Cov1d-19, which is rebuilt a thousand times over.
I'm sure you know what I chose in my current setup.
I decided not to get caught in the enticing lure of the so-called possibility of traveling and visiting various theatrical or other performances.
I decided to "shorttermly sacrifice nonsensical shopping" in shopping malls that don't bring anything cool to anyone anyway.
And if necessary, I will be satisfied with family walks or a paddock in nature over sitting in (mostly) overpriced restaurants, although I will always support this, perhaps one of the most affected fields in this "Covi1d hysteria", where I can.
I decided to wait for a while.
Wait for the end of this "trial gene therapy", which ends sometime in 2023 (according to the documentation of one of the manufacturers of this mysterious substance).
I know that decision is difficult for many of us.
We all go to work. We have to make money. Children have to go to school.
A lot of you will tell each other, but the respirators, face masks and the "Cov1d testing" bullying agenda at school at that moment don't bother our children so much.
Certainly? What nonsense!
That the constricted supply of oxygen to the developing brain of our beloved children does not matter?
That in many cases they do not mind a condition bordering on hypoxia?
And how a parent should explain this to his 8-year-old son, who is afraid to take off his veil, so that the Cov1d worm doesn't accidentally get in there (I know from my friend's own experience).
Who the hell put this indocrination, which he would probably never get rid of again, in his vulnerable head?
And who approved the (evil) act?
They will certainly not escape the "consequences of their actions", I am convinced of that.
Let them be a partial excuse for their ignorance and often for their much meaningless atheistic faith, which will surely gradually rid them of their common sense, if they have any left.
Everything until the Time of Settlement comes.
For me, it was the already mentioned diagnosis of Cancer in 2016.
None of us will escape the consequences of our actions, or whoever sows what will reap it.
And that's why I also choose a "wait-and-see tactic" and a thorough study of all possible information and the possible consequences of my current decision.
And I also take care of not only my physical but also my mental health.
This is (among other things) the basis for a successful passage through this "crisis of contemporary civilization", which has fallen so far into the "gains" of this materialism and ego of the soaked time that it has forgotten the divine nature of our Being.
Our civilization has fallen to the chimera that everything can be bought with money.
Maybe health.
Unfortunately, he can't.
The misfortune (or happiness?) Is that everyone will understand when they lose their precious health.
Then he begins to question his conscience.
But it is often too late.
Therefore, I wish all of us to pass this perhaps the most important IQ-test of our time with much-needed humility and, above all, a raised head.
Not hunched over in his bowing.
And shameful submission in dictatorial system, labeled as obedient sheep by various face masks, which ultimately (apart from our forced obedience) still do nothing.
Under the dictates of a "malicious system," bursting with flames of fear and dangerous smoke that is supposed to obscure the true nature of what we have all learned to call the Cov1d Pandemic.
Under the cunning mask of the dictates of a system without compassion and empathy, which has been so engrossed in our skin that we are no longer ashamed of our behavior by benefactors and informers.
Those ones, who often have nothing to do but persecute fellow citizens who have allowed themselves to have a different opinion.
For example, those who refuse to wear those nonsensical face masks or respirators and who have dared to find out more about everything (even the so-called vaccination) that a normal person (at the time of boundless censorship of all media) will not find anywhere.
I know where I belong and I'm proud of it.
I rely on my great body, calm mind and my immortal Soul connected with what we each call differently according to our faith.
No, I really do not plan (in the near future) any so-called vaccine for myself or my children. I have no meaningful reason to do so.
It may not like someone, as well as the slightly provocative title of this article, but that's the way it is.
I am grateful for this wonderful time for everything, including the invaluable life lesson she brought me.
She taught me to appreciate the most precious thing I have, and that is my health and my family. My great wife and my wonderful children. Although we lost a lot at this time of challenges, we gained significantly more together.
And that is We, connected into one colorful and interconnected and above all just Being, which we call our Life on Earth.
I wish you good health and the right Decisions,
in one of the greatest challenges of our time
Pavel and My Journey®