When were you diagnosed with Cancer for the first time and then for the second time? How much chemotherapies did you have, or irradiation?


My first cancer was diagnosed by a doctor at the Central Hospital in Prague in June 2016. 

On the same day, I forwarded all samples, examinations and subsequent surgery the same day. 

The operation went great, in 3 days I was at home with a 15 cm scar on my abdomen. 

In the following months, I underwent a lot of check-ups and, based on the recommendations of doctors at Thomayer Hospital in Prague, also "securing" chemotherapy. 

The cancer came back to me in the second half of 2017. 

Based on the tests, the doctors found growing markers on me and then on several CT and PET examinations growing 3 tumors, with a diagnosis - the Cancer is back in a stronger devastating form. 

I did not undergo any irradiation. 

After my condition OBE (Out of the Body Experience), the first and strongest in November 2017, I decided to refuse another drastic operation.

I also refused at my own request another devastating several-month planned chemotherapy. 

According to 3 independent medical teams, I had 3 months to live. 

Time to write a will, a recapitulation of life. 

In contrast, I decided to heal myself. 

With the steadfast support and help of my beloved wife and my wonderful children. 

No drugs and no doctors. 

I'm glad I made that decision. 

Thank to God...